The Promise and Assurance of the Holy Spirit in You
The Bible says the Holy Spirit dwells inside all believers, but not everyone perceives Him. How can we know He’s there? The Bible provides many assurances and direct evidence. Read More….
Taking your faith journey one step at a time.
The Bible says the Holy Spirit dwells inside all believers, but not everyone perceives Him. How can we know He’s there? The Bible provides many assurances and direct evidence. Read More….
Christmas stories typically focus on Jesus and Mary and often overlook Joseph. Rediscover his amazing story, his courageous decision, and the example he sets for all believers. Read More….
Though Paul sat in a Roman prison, he understood the importance of keeping our minds on God regardless of circumstances. As he faced death, he offered six things all believers should think about when facing trouble. Read More….
In many cultures, a firstborn child receives the largest portion of the father’s inheritance. But they often abuse their blessing, causing God to choose a younger sibling. Explore the Bible’s “firstborn-secondborn” theme and how it illustrates who gets God’s eternal blessing. Read More….
Thomas is famously known as “Doubting Thomas” in the Bible. But another follower of Jesus, someone unexpected, struggled with doubt as much as Thomas. Read More….